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Good Morning, Tai Chi

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Good Morning, Tai Chi:
The Principles of Tai Chi from the Heart of Brooklyn
Co-author with Phil Felice Catapano

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Phil Catapano provides Tai Chi wisdom and training instruction from his many years of dedicated practice in the Chinese art of Tai Chi. Written with accomplished author, Mark L. Fuerst (The Harvard Medical School Guide to Tai Chi: 12 Weeks to a Healthy Body, Strong Heart & Sharp Mind; Baby At Last: The Couple's Complete Guide to Getting Pregnant-from Cutting-edge Treatments to Commonsense Wisdom), it captures the sound of Brooklyn, Phil's hometown. This book is a gift for Tai Chi students and teachers from all traditions. Tai Chi masters have known for centuries: regular practice leads to more vigor and flexibility, better balance and mobility, and a sense of well-being. Cutting-edge research from Harvard Medical School also supports the long-standing claims that Tai Chi also has a beneficial impact on the health of the heart, bones, nerves and muscles, immune system, and the mind. This research provides fascinating insight into the underlying physiological mechanisms that explain how Tai Chi actually works.

Praise for Good Morning, Tai Chi

"Brooklyn, New York is widely regarded as a melting pot for cultural alchemy and evolution. This book, written by a first-generation fellow Brooklynite, Phil Catapano, offers numerous pearls of Tai Chi wisdom and training instruction that organically emerge from Phil's many years of dedicated practice, love, and gratitude for Tai Chi and life. Written in a down-to-earth Brooklyn voice, shaped by the deft pen of co-writer and Tai Chi student Mark Fuerst, this book is a gift for Tai Chi students and teachers from all traditions."—Peter M. Wayne, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women's Hospital and Research Director for the Osher Center for Integrative Medicine, and co-author of "The Harvard Medical School Guide to Tai Chi"

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"This fine book conveys the joy and love experienced through the study and practice of Tai Chi. It tells how Tai Chi helps your body, mind and health and brings greater meaning into everyday life. This book is an inspiration for all those contemplating studying Tai Chi and for those already engaged in practice."— Lawrence Galante, Ph.D., Head Master, Lawrence Galante's School of Tai Chi

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Mark L Fuerst, Freelance Writer, Editorial Consultant Specializing in Health & Medicine
Tele: 718-852-2782